
   Estimated Gypsy population: 7,000. Afghanistan is the first country to the west of India and Pakistan where we can identify industrial nomads who do not speak any of the local languages but a dialect from North India, in this case, Inku. Aparna Rao has identified four clans-Jalali, Pikraj, Shadibaz, and Vangawala- who fall into this definition of "Gypsies." The locals call them "Jat," which is used in a pejorative way: They will say of a child or a teenage girl of whose behavior they do not approve, "Misle Jat asti" (They Are Like a Jat).
   The Jalali have performing monkeys, sell fruit, and are professional musicians, while the Pikraj trade in donkeys and horses. The Shadibaz also train monkeys, and the Vangawala, as their name indicates, sell bangles. They live on the edge of Afghan society.

Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . .

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