
   Gypsies have been a popular subject for filmmakers. More than 2,500 films from 30 countries with Romanies as their theme are recorded in the database of the Hamburg Cinemathèque. The first film to feature Gypsies was probably Campement des Bohèmes (Georges Melies, 1896). Other important titles are as follows:
   - Gypsy Wildcat (United States, 1944)
   - The Gypsy and the Gentleman (Great Britain, 1957)
   - I Even Met Happy Gypsies [Skupljace perja] (Yugoslavia, 1967)
   - Angelo, My Love (United States, 1983)
   - The Time of the Gypsies (Yugoslavia, 1988) -Rajko Djuric was the adviser for this film
   - Black Cat, White Cat (Yugoslavia, 1998)
   Some other films have been made by Gypsies or with their involvement at production level. Bob Hoskins directed and starred in the title role (an army deserter dressed as a Gypsy girl) in The Raggedy Rawney (Great Britain, 1988). Dufunya Vishnevskiy directed Ya vinovat-a crime drama-in Russia in 1993; a second film by the same director, Greshnye apostoly lyubvi, is a fictitious story set during the Nazi occupation. The Italian film Take Me Away [Prendimi] by director Turido Zangardi (2003) is another example.
   A large number of documentaries have also been made, including the first two parts of a trilogy by Tony Gatlif-Les princes and Latcho drom, completed by the fictitious Gadjo Dilo (1997). American Gypsy (1999) by Jasmine Dellal features Jimmy Marks and his family, while Opre Roma (1999) covers the evolving Canadian Gypsy community. A Spanish film, The Three Thousand [aka Seville Southside], made in 2003, deals with Romany families resettled in Seville. Bjorn (2004) is a documentary based on the life of a Norwegian Traveler child taken from his family soon after birth. Pavee Lakin (2005) depicts the life of an Irish Traveler family in Dublin. Romany Tears (directed by Luminita Cioaba) is the story of the deportation of Romanian Gypsies to Transnistria during World War II.
   The Golden Wheel Roma Film Festival has been held in Skopje since 2002. It features productions with Roma stories.

Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . .

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