- Northern Ireland
- Traveler population: 1,100. Northern Ireland is from time to time ruled directly from London, depending on the political situation there. The first legislation concerning caravan sites was contained in the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order of 1985. This gave 100 percent grants for site provision and gave councils the power (but not the duty) of providing sites. In 1986 an Advisory Committee on Travellers was set up to advise the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland. It has some Traveler members.The Travelers in Northern Ireland have the same lifestyle as those in the Irish Republic. About 7 families out of every 10 live on authorized sites, including those run by local authorities. Four districts have been designated under the 1985 order as areas where Travelers cannot stop except on official sites. In 1997 the Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order was passed. The outlawing of discrimination on racial grounds in this order also applies to discrimination against Irish Travelers. As a result, it was proposed to repeal the designation paragraphs of the 1985 order. The Traveller Support Movement is a network of local groups that works for the civil rights of Travelers, along with the Belfast Travellers Education Development Group.See also Ireland.
Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . Donald Kenrick.