Romani Language

Romani Language
   The Romani language belongs to the North Indian group and is close to Punjabi and Hindi. It was brought to Europe by the Gypsies and has retained more of its earlier structure than the modern Indian languages. The sound system includes up to four aspirated consonants. There are five or six cases, and verbs have a number of tenses. Words are inflected to show changes of tense, person, gender, and case. There are masculine and feminine genders.
   Romani is taught at ENALCO (Paris University V), Charles University in Prague, Bucharest University, Manchester University, United Kingdom, and some other colleges and schools. It remained largely a spoken language until the 19th century, when it began to be written. In accordance with the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Slovenia, and Sweden officially recognize Romani as a minority language.

Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . .

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