
(Sinte; singular Sinto)
   The term may originate with the Indian province of Sindh, or it may be an old Indian word meaning "community." It is a clan living mainly in Germany but with some families now established in Belgium, the Netherlands, northern Italy, Poland, and Russia. It is likely that the Sinti came to German-speaking lands during the 16th century and nomadized there until the 19th century when some families moved into other countries. The dialect contains a large number of loan words from German. The Sinti suffered huge losses during the Nazi period. The German organization Verband der Deutschen Sinti und Roma in Heidelberg (led by Romani Rose) is their main civil rights mouthpiece. Sinti organizations also operate in the Netherlands.
   The term Sinti is additionally used by the Sinti themselves for some Gypsy clans which are not linguistically Sinti, for example, the Istriani Sinti from the Trieste region and the Lalore Sinti from Bohemia and Moravia.

Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . .

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