- Bibliography
- I. INTRODUCTIONThe bibliography is arranged by classes and subclasses. With very few exceptions, only works published after 1945 have been included. For historical works, one should consult George Black's A Gypsy Bibliography (Edinburgh: Gypsy Lore Society, 1914). A supplementary list was published in 1940 in the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (3rd series) 19, nos. 1-2: 20-33. Translations are given for titles in Russian and less common languages. Books are normally listed only once, in the most appropriate section. A book dealing with the history or present-day situation of a single country will be found under that country's heading, not in the History section. Many other titles are listed by subject (e.g., health, music). Books and articles dealing with more than one of the countries that make up the United Kingdom will be found under the United Kingdom heading. There are separate headings, however, for England, Scotland, and Wales where titles deal only with that part of the United Kingdom; Northern Ireland will be found under Ireland.Apart from Black for the classical literature, Diane Tong's Gypsies: A Mul-tidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography (New York: Garland, 1995) gives good coverage of material in English, though it is not comprehensive on works in other languages. A good overall introduction is Angus Fraser's The Gypsies (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992). For the modern period, the various works by Jean-Pierre Liégeois should be consulted. Isabel Fonseca's account of her travels through eastern Europe-although criticized-is an easy-to-read introduction to the world of the Gypsies (Bury Me Standing, New York: Knopf, 1995).Nearly all works written up to 1939 deal with Gypsies as an exotic race. An exception was the substantial number of books written in Romani in the early years of the Soviet Union. After 1945, there is a wider coverage of themes and an increase in books written by Romanies themselves. Again, until the end of World War II, the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (JGLS), is the only serious publication and is a rich source of information. Anyone embarking on a study of Gypsies should first leaf through the JGLS to see what has been written on the themes that interest them. After 1945, more learned journals appear, in particular Études Tsiganes and Lacio Drom, the latter no longer published. They, too, are a valuable source of information on a variety of topics. A selection of recent articles from all three journals has been included. As regards the different clans, the Kalderash and Manouche are those that have the best descriptions. In fact, many books and articles about Gypsies write only about the Kalderash clan.The section on the Holocaust contains many titles and is one of the largest. Although in the first years after 1945 very little was written about the fate of the Gypsies, this lapse has been remedied recently, particularly with books dealing with individual towns in Germany. An overall picture of the Holocaust period will be found in Donald Kenrick and Grattan Puxon's Destiny of Europe's Gypsies (London: Heinemann, 1972). This has an index and detailed references. The updated edition under the title Gypsies under the Swastika (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1995) is more for the general reader and has no references. A three-volume work on the Holocaust entitled The Gypsies during the Second World War, originally prepared in Paris by the Centre de Recherches Tsiganes, has now been published in parts (University of Hertfordshire Press, 1997-2006). Guenter Lewy's The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies (Oxford University Press, 2000) has been criticized for playing down the magnitude of the genocide. Michael Zimmermann's Rasseutopia und Genozid (Hamburg: Christians,1996) is a comprehensive work with more than 100 pages of notes alone.Rajklo DjuriCs Die Literatur der Roma und Sinti (Berlin: Parabolis, 2002) is a survey of Roma writers in many lands.Two recent works will interest the general reader. The first is Ian Hancock's We Are the Romani People (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2002), which is designed as a textbook for first-year undergraduates. Second, Peter Bakker has edited a collection of articles under the title What Is the Romami Language? (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2000).There is now for the first time a textbook for Romani that teaches the language in a traditional way rather than just describing it for scholars: Ronald Lee's Learn Romani (Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2005). It deals with the widely spoken Kalderash dialect. The same publisher promises a guide to learning other dialects.Currently a large number of bilingual periodicals are being published in eastern Europe. However, many of them are irregular, and sometimes financial difficulties have led to a gap in their appearance. Addresses are provided for a number of publications that are informative, rather than literary, and that have a track record of reliability. This listing should not be seen as reflecting in any way on the quality of those for which no address is given.II. GENERAL1. Overall Studies- Acton, T. A., ed. Gypsy Politics and Traveller Identity. Proceedings of the ESRC Romany Studies Seminar Series, vol. l. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1997.- Acton, T. A., and G. J. Mundy, eds. Romani Culture and Gypsy Identity. Proceedings of the ESRC Romany Studies Seminar Series, vol. 2. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1997.- Andersen, Kirsten. Sigojnere. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1971.- Asséo, Henriette. Les Tsiganes, une destinée européenne. Paris: Gallimard, 1994.- Bancroft, Angus. Roma and Gypsy-Travellers in Europe: Modernity, Race, Space and Exclusion. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2005. Block, Martin. Die Zigeuner: Ihr Leben und ihre Seele. New ed. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1997.- Bodi, Zsuzsanna, ed. Readings of the 1st International Conference on Gypsy Ethnography (Budapest 1993). Studies in Roma (Gypsy) Ethnography, vol. 2. Budapest: Mikszáth Kiadó, 1994. [In English and Hungarian.]- Bogaart, Nico, et al. Zigeuners. Amsterdam: El Sevier, 1980.- Djuric, Rajko. Seobe Roma (Romany Migrations). Belgrade: BIGZ, 1987.- Earle, Fiona, et al. A Time to Travel? An Introduction to Britain's Newest Travellers. Lyme Regis, UK: Enabler, 1994.- Gronemeyer, Reimer, and Georgia Rakelmann. Die Zigeuner, Reisende in Europa. Cologne: Dumont, 1988.- Hemetek, Ursula, and Mozes Heinschink, eds. Roma: Das unbekannte Volk. Munich: Boehlau, 1994. Hohmann, Joachim, ed. Handbuch zur Tsiganologie. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1996.- Hund, Wulf, ed. Zigeuner: Geschichte und Struktur einer rassistischen Konstruktion. Duisburg: DISS, 1996. Hundsalz, Andreas. Stand der Forschung über Zigeuner und Landfahrer. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1978. Karpati, Mirella, ed. Zingari, ieri e oggi. Rome: Centro Studi Zingari, n.d.[Also in German as Sinti und Roma: Heute und Gestern.] Klein, N. Sinti und Roma. Stuttgart: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 1981. Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Roma, Gypsies and Travellers. Rev. ed. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Press, 1994. [Also in French as Roma, Tsiganes, Voyageurs.]- Lo-Johansson, Ivar. Zigenare. Stockholm: Prisma, 1963.- Lucassen, Leo, et al., eds. Gypsies and Other Itinerant Groups. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan, 1998.- Marsh, Adrian, and Elin Strand. Contextual, Constructed and Contested: Gypsies and the Problem of Identities. Istanbul: Swedish Research Institute, 2005. [Proceedings of the 1st Istanbul International Romani Studies Conference.]- Maur, Wolf in der. Die Zigeuner: Wanderer zwischen den Welten. Vienna: Molden, 1969.- Mayall, David, ed. "Gypsies: The Forming of Identities and Official Responses." Immigrants and Minorities 2, no. 1 (March 1992). [Special edition.]- Mercier, Denis. Latcho drom: Un film de Tony Gatlif. Paris: K.G. Productions, 1993.- Mroz, Lech. Cyganie. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1971. Nordström-Holm, Gunni, and Armas Lind. Om zigenare. Stockholm: SI Pocket, 1982.- Nordström-Holm, Gunni, and Björn Myrman. Vi kallar dem Zigenare. Stockholm: Alfabeta, 1991.- Osella, Carla. Zingari: Storie di un popolo sconosciuto. Turin: N.p., 1985.- Rehfisch, F., ed. Gypsies, Tinkers and Other Travellers. London: Academic Press, 1975.- Rostás-Farkas, György. Cigányságom vállalom. Budapest: TIT, 1992. [Essays on Romani culture in Hungarian.]- Salo, Matt, ed. 100 Years of Gypsy Studies. Cheverly, Md.: Gypsy Lore Society, 1990. [Papers from the 10th Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1988.]- Saul, Nicholas, and Susan Tebbutt, eds. The Role of the Romanies. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2004. [Papers from the 2000 Liverpool Conference.]- Sipka, Milan, ed. International Symposium: Romani Language and Culture.- Sarajevo: Institut za ProuCavanje Nacionalnih Odnosa, 1989. [Papers of the 1986 Sarajevo Seminar.] Thesleff, Arthur. Report on the Gypsy Question. 1901. [Reprinted in JGLS new series.]- Tong, Diana. Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader. New York: Garland, 1998. Vossen, Rüdiger, ed. Zigeuner. Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein, 1983. Wedeck, H. E., and Wade Baskin. Dictionary of Gipsy Life and Lore. London: Owen, 1973.- Willems, Wim. In Search of the True Gypsy. London: Cass, 1997. [trans.]. Op zoek naar de ware Zigeuner (Looking for the Real Gypsies).- Utrecht: van Arkel, 1995. Zatta, Jane. Gli Zingari i Roma: Una cultura ai confni. Padua: Centro di Initiativa Democratica degli Insegnanti, 1988. Zoon, Ina. On the Margins: Roma and Public Services in Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. New York: Open Society, 2001.2. Bibliography- Binns, Dennis. A Gypsy Bibliography. Manchester, UK: Dennis Binns, 1982 [with later supplements]. Black, G. F. A Gypsy Bibliography. London: Constable, 1913. Collie, Michael, and Angus Fraser. George Borrow: A Bibliographical Study. Winchester, UK: St. Paul's Bibliographies, 1984. da Costa, Elisa Maria Lopes. Os Ciganos: Fontes bibliograficas em Portugal. Madrid: Presencia Gitana, 1995. Franzese, Sergio. "Internet e gli Zingari." Lacio Drom 33, nos. 3-4 (1997): 40-45.- Gmelch, G., and S. B. Gmelch. "Ireland's Travelling People: A Comprehensive Bibliography." JGLS (3rd series) 3 (1978): 159-69.- Gronemeyer, Reimer. Zigeuner in Osteuropa: Eine Bibliographie zu den Lan-dern Polen, Tschechoslowakei und Ungarn, mit einem Anhang über altere Sowjetische Literatur. Munich: Saur, 1983.- Hohmann, Joachim S. Neue deutsche Zigeunerbibliographie: Unter Berück-sichtigung aller Jahrgange des "Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. " Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1992.- Hovens, Pieter, and Jeanne Hovens. Zigeuners, Woonwagenbewoners en reizenden: Een bibliografie (Gypsies, Caravan-Dwellers and Travellers: A Bibliography). Rijswijk: Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Recreation and Social Welfare, 1982.- Leeds University. Catalogue of the Romany Collection. Edinburgh: Nelson, 1962.- Neacsu, Dana. Roma and Forced Migration: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Open Society Institute, 1997.- Ortega, José. Los Gitanos: Guia bibliográfica y estudio preliminar. Manchester: Binns, 1987.- Tong, Diane. Gypsies: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1995.- Tyrnauer, Gabrielle. Gypsies and the Holocaust: A Bibliography and Introductory Essay. 2nd ed. Montreal: Institute for Genocide Studies, 1991. [A version of this work appears in Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review, ed. Israel W. Charny, vol. 3, The Widening Circle of Genocide. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1994.]- University of Liverpool. A Catalogue of the Gypsy Books Collected by the Late Robert Andrews Scott Macfie, Sometime Editor and Secretary of the Gypsy Lore Society. Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press, 1936.3. Demography- Arnold, Hermann. Fahrendes Volk. Neustadt: Pfálzische Verlaganstalt, 1980.- [Revised edition of his Randgruppen des Zigeunervolkes, 1975.] Brown, Marilyn R. Gypsies and Other Bohemians: The Myths of the Artist in Nineteenth-Century France. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1985.- Charlemagne, Jacqueline. Populations nomades et pauvreté. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1983.- Liégeois, Jean-Pierre, and Nicolae Gheorghe. Roma/Gypsies: A European Minority. London: Minority Rights Group, 1995.- Vaux de Foletier, François de. Le monde des Tsiganes. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1983.- Webb, G. E. C. Gypsies: The Secret People. London: Barrie Jenkins, 1960.- [Reprint, Greenwood Press, 1974.] Wilson, Nerissa. Gypsies and Gentlemen: The Life and Times of the Leisure Caravan. London: Columbus Books, 1986.4. Travel and Description- Croft-Cooke, Rupert. The Moon in My Pocket: Life with the Romanies. London: S. Low, Marston, 1984.- Fonseca, Isabel. Bury Me Standing. London: Chatto Windus, 1995. [Also in German as Begrabt mich Aufrecht] Harvey, Denis. The Gypsies: Waggon-time and After. London: Batsford, 1979. McDowell, Bart. Gypsies, Wanderers of the World. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1970. TomaseviC, Nebojsa, and Rajko Djuric. Gypsies of the World. London: Flint River Press, 1988.- Ward-Jackson C. H., and Denis E. Harvey. The English Gypsy Caravan: Its Origins, Builders, Technology, and Conservation. 2nd ed. Newton Abbot, UK: David & Charles, 1986.III. HISTORY1. General- Barany, Zoltan. The East European Gypsies: Regime Change, Marginality and Ethnopolitics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Bartolomej, Daniel. Dejiny Romu (History of the Gypsies). Olomouc, Czech Republic: Univerzita Palackéhou, 1994. Crowe, David. A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia. New York: St. Martin's, 1994. Crowe, David, and John Kolsti, eds. The Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Armonk, N.Y.: Sharpe, 1991. Djuric, Rajko. Seobe Roma (History of the Romanies). Belgrade: BIGZ, 1985. Fraser, Angus. The Gypsies. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.- Gilsenbach, Reimar. Weltchronik der Zigeuner. Pt. 1. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1994.- Hancock, Ian. We Are the Romani People. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2002.- Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Gypsies: An Illustrated History, trans. Tony Berrett. London: Al Saqi Books, 1985. [Translation in part of Liégeois's Tsiganes.].Tsiganes. Paris: Découverte, 1983.- Nicolini, Bruno. "La chiesa cattolica e gli Zingari." In Zingari, ieri e oggi, ed.- M. Karpati. Rome: Centro Studi Zingari, n.d. Vaux de Foletier, François de.Mille ans d'histoire des Tsiganes. Paris: Fayard, 1970.2. Early Migration and Indian Origins- Hancock, Ian. The Indian Origins and Westward Migration of the Roma. Man-chaca, Texas: Romany Union, 1997.- Kenrick, Donald. Gypsies, from the Ganges to the Thames. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2004. [Also available in other languages.]- Lal, C. Gipsies, Forgotten Children of India. Delhi: Ministry of Information, 1962.- Moreau, Roger. The Rom: Walking in the Paths of the Gypsies. Toronto: Key Porter, 1995.- Rishi, W. R. Roma: The Panjabi Emigrants in Europe, Central and Middle Asia, the USSR, and the Americas. Patiala, India: Punjabi University, 1976.- Singhal, D. P. Gypsies: Indians in Exile. Meerut, India: Archana, 1982. Soulis, G. "The Gypsies in the Byzantine Empire and the Balkans in the Late Middle Ages." Dumbarton Oaks Papers 15 (1961).3. History to 1939 (Excluding the Holocaust)- Daniel, Bartolomej. Geschichte der Roma in Böhmen, Mahren and der Slowakei. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1998. Haley W. "The Gypsy Conference at Bucharest." JGLS (3rd series) 13 (1934). Opfermann, Ulrich. Dass sie den Zigeuner-Habit ablegen: Die Geschichte der Zigeuner-Kolonien. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1996.4. The Holocaust (1933-1945)- Ackovic, Dragoljub. Roma Suffering in Jasenovac Camp. Belgrade: Strucna Kniga, 1995. [Original-language version, StradanjaRoma u Jasenovcu. Belgrade: NIGP "ABC GLAS" DD, 1994.]- Alt, Betty, and Silvia Folts. Weeping Violins. Kirksville, Mo.: Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1996.- Ayass W., et al. Feinderklarung und Prevention. Berlin: Rotbuch, 1988.- Beckers, Jan, ed.Me hum Sinthu /Ik ben Zigeuner (I Am a Gypsy). The Hague: Horus, 1980.- Berenbaum, M., ed. A Mosaic of Victims. New York: New York University Press, 1989; London: Tauris, 1990.- Bernadac, Christian. L'Holocauste oublié: Le massacre des Tsiganes. Paris: France-Empire, 1979.- Bulajic, Milan. Ustaski zlocini genocida (Ustashe Criminal Genocide). Belgrade: RAD, 1988.- Dlugoborski, Waclaw, ed. 50-lecie zaglady Romów w KL Auschwitz-Birkenau (50th Anniversary of the Massacre in Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp). Oswiecim: Stowarzyszenie Romów w Polsce, 1994. [In Polish and German.]- Dokumentationzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma. Kinder und Jugendliche als Opfer des Holocausts. Heidelberg: Dokumentationzentrum, 1995.- Duna, William A. Gypsies: A Persecuted Race. Minneapolis, Minn.: Duna Studios, 1984.- Fings, Karola, and Frank Sparing. "Zt. Zigeunerlager": Die Verfolgung der Düsseldorfer Sinti und Roma im Nationalsozialismus. Cologne: Volksblatt, 1992.- Fings, Karola, et al. Einziges Land, in dem Judenfrage und Zigeunerfrage gelöst: Die Verfolgung der Roma im faschistisch besetzten Jugoslawien, 1941-1945. Cologne: Rom, n.d.- Friedman, Ina. "Bubili: A Young Gypsy's Fight for Survival." In The Other Victims: First-Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the Nazis. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.- Gilsenbach, Reimar. Oh Django, sing deinen Zorn. Berlin: BasisDruck, 1993.- Günther, Wolfgang. Ach Schwester, ich kann nicht mehr tanzen: Sinti und Roma im KZ Bergen Belsen. Hanover: SOAK, 1990.- . Zurpreussischen Zigeunerpolitikseit 1871. Hanover: ANS, 1985.- Hancock, Ian. The Pariah Syndrome. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Karoma, 1987.. "Responses to the Porrajmos: The Romani Holocaust." In Is the Holocaust Unique? Perspectives on Comparative Genocide, ed. Alan Rosenbaum.- Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1996.- Heuss, Herbert. Darmstadt, Auschwitz: Die Verfolgung der Sinti in Darmstadt. Darmstadt: Verband deutscher Sinti und Roma, 1995.- Heuss, Herbert, Karola Fings, and Frank Sparing. The Gypsies during the Second World War, vol. 1: From Race Science to the Camps. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1997. [Also available in French and German.]- Hohmann, Joachim. Robert Ritter und die Erbe der Kriminalbiologie. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1991.. Zigeuner und Zigeunerwissenschaft: Ein Beitrag zur Grundlagenforschung und Dokumentation des Völkermords im "Dritten Reich." Marburg: Guttandin Hoppe, 1980.- Holy, Dusan, and Ctibor Necas. Zalujici pisen. Straznica: Ustav Lidové Kul-tury, 1993.- Ioanid, Radu. The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu Regime, 1940-1944. Chicago: Ivan Dee, 2000.- Johansen, Jahn Otto. Sigoynernes Holocaust. Oslo: Cappelen. 1989. [Original Norwegian edition.] Swedish edition, Zigenarnas Holocaust. Stockholm: Symposion, 1990.- Kenrick, Donald, and Gratton Puxon. The Destiny of Europe's Gypsies. London: Heinemann Educational, 1972. [Also available in French, German, Italian, and Japanese. For two editions in Romani, see Puxon and Kenrick below.]. Gypsies under the Swastika. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1995. [A revised edition of Destiny of Europe's Gypsies, also available in French, Spanish, and other languages.]- Kladivová, V. Konecná Stanice Auschwitz-Birkenau. Olomouc, Czech Republic: Univerzita Palackého, 1994.- Krausnick, M. Wo sindsie hingekommen? Stuttgart: Bleicher, 1995.- Lessing, A. Mein Leben in Versteck. Düsseldorf: Zebulon, 1993.- Lifton, Robert Jay. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide. New York: Basic Books, 1986.- Lipa, Jiri. "The Fate of Gypsies in Czechoslovakia under Nazi Domination." In A Mosaic of Victims, ed. M. Berenbaum. New York: New York University Press, 1990.- Müller-Hill, Benno. Murderous Science: Elimination by Scientific Selection of Jews, Gypsies, et al., Germany, 1933-1945, trans. George R. Fraser. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Nazi Genocide in Poland Seminar. Papers by Ciechanowski, Galinski, Wilczur, and Zabierowski, translated and reprinted in Lacio Drom 20, nos. 2-3 (May-June 1984).- Necias, Ctibor. Ceskoslovenstí Romové v letech 1939-1945 (Czechoslovak Gypsies in the Years 1939-1945). Brno: Masaryková Univerzita, 1994.. Nad osudem ceskych Cikánu a slovenskych cikánu v letech 1939-1945 (On the Fate of the Czech and Slovak Gypsies). Brno: Univerzita J. S. Purkyne, 1981.. NemuZeme zapomenout: Nasti bisteras (We Cannot Forget). Olomouc, Czech Republic: Univerzita Palackého, 1994.- Pape, Marcus. A Nikdo vám Nebude Verit: Dokument o koncentracním tábore Lety u Písku (Nobody Will Believe You: Documents about the Lety Concentration Camp). Prague: GplusG, 1997.- Parcer J., ed. Los Cyganów w KL Auschwitz-Birkenau: Das Schicksal der Sinti und Roma im KL Auschwitz-Birkenau. Oswiecim: Stowarzyszenie Romów w Polsce, 1994., ed. Memorial Book. The Gypsies at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Munich: Saur, 1993.- Pedersen, F. SkydZigeunerne. Copenhagen: Carnet, 1990.- Peschanski, Denis. Les Tsiganes en France, 1939-1946. Paris: CNRS, 1994.- Puxon, Grattan, and Donald Kenrick. Bibahtale bersa (Unhappy Years). London: Romanestan, 1990. New ed., Madrid: Presencia Gitana, 1996.- Rose, Romani, and Walter Weiss. Sinti und Roma im "Dritten Reich": Das Pro-gramm der Vernichtung durch Arbeit. Göttingen: Lamuv, 1991.- Sigot, Jacques. Ces Barbelés oubliés par l'histoire. Bordeaux: Wallada, 1994.- Sijes, B. A. Vervolging van Zigeuners in Nederland, 1940-1945. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1979.- Sonneman,Toby. Shared Sorrows: A Gypsy Family Remembers the Holocaust. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2002. Thurner, E. Nationalsozialismus und Zigeuner in Osterreich. Vienna: Geyer, 1983. English edition, National Socialism and Gypsies in Austria.- Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1998. Tyrnauer, G. "A Sinto Survivor Speaks." In Papers from the 6th and 7th Annual Meetings of the Gypsy Lore Society. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, 1986.[Also in Social Education 55, no. 2 (February 1991).] Vexler, Y. "J'étais médecin des Tsiganes à Auschwitz."Monde Gitan 27 (1973): 1-10.- Wagenbaar, Aad. Settela. Amsterdam: Arbeiderpres, 1996. Wippermann, W. Das Leben in Frankfurt zur NS Zeit. Frankfurt am Main: Kramer, 1986.- Zimmermann, M. Rassenutopie und Genozid: Die nationalsozialistische "Lö-sung der Zigeunerfrage." Hamburg: Christiansverlag, 1996.. Verfolgt, vertrieben, vernichtet: Die nationalsozialistische Vernichtung gegen Sinti und Roma. Essen: Klartext, 1989.5. History from 1945, General- Auzias, Claire, ed. Les familles Rom d'Europe de l'Est. Paris: ALIZE, n.d. Braham, Mark. The Untouchables: A Survey of the Roma People of Central and Eastern Europe. Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1993.- Brearley, Margaret. The Roma/Gypsies of Europe: A Persecuted People. London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 1996.- Kocze, Angela. The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe: Legal Remedies or Invisibility? Warsaw: OSCE, 1996.- Margalit, Gilad. Germany and Its Gypsies: A Post-Auschwitz Ordeal. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 2002.- Pogács, István. The Roma Café: Human Rights and the Plight of the Romani People. London: Pluto Press, 2004.- Schenk, Michael. Rassismus gegen Sinti und Roma. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1994.- Svanberg, Frederik Folkeryd-Ingvar. Gypsies (Roma) in the Post-Totalitarian States. Stockholm: Olof Palme International Center, 1995.6. History, 1945-1990: Eastern Europe under Communism- Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Bulgaria. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1991.- McCagg, W. "Gypsy Policy in Socialist Hungary and Czechoslovakia, 1945-1989." Nationalities Papers 19, no. 3 (1991): 313-36.- Silverman, Carol. "Bulgarian Gypsies: Adaptation in a Socialist Context." Nomadic Peoples, nos. 21-22 (December 1986): 51-62.- Sus, Jaroslav. Cikánská otázka v CSSR. Prague: N.p., 1961.7. History, 1990-2006: Eastern Europe after Communism- Barany, Zoltan. The East European Gypsies: Regime Change, Marginality and Ethnopolitics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.- Guy, Will, ed. Between Past and Future: The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2001.- Johansen, Jahn Otto. Folket som ingen vil ha. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1995.- Mihok, Brigitte. Vergleichende Studie zur Situation der Minderheiten in Un-garn und Rumanien (1989-1996) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Roma. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1999.IV. POLITICS1. General- Acton, Thomas. Gypsy Politics and Social Change: The Development of Ethnic Ideology and Pressure Politics among British Gypsies from Victorian Reformism to Romany Nationalism. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974.- Adams, Barbara, Judith Okely, David Morgan, and David Smith. Gypsies and Government Policy in England: A Study of the Travellers' Way of Life in Relation to the Policies and Practices of Central and Local Government. London: Heinemann, 1975.- Bauer, Rudolph, Josef Bura, and Klaus Lang, eds. Sinti in der Bundesrepublik: Beitrage zur sozialen Lage einer verfolgten Minderheit. Bremen: Universitát Bremen, 1984.- Fienborg, Gunoula, et al. Die Roma: Hoffen auf ein Leben ohne Angst. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1992.- Geigges, Anita, and Bernhard W. Wette. Zigeuner Heute: Verfolgung und Diskriminierung in der BRD. Bornheim-Merten: Lamuv, 1979.- Klímová-Alexander, Ilona. The Romani Voice in World Politics: The United Nations and Non-State Actors. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2005.- Liégeois, Jean-Pierre, et al. Gypsies and Travellers: Socio-Cultural Data, Socio-Political Data. Strasbourg, France: Council for Cultural Co-operation, 1987.- Matras, Yaron, and Ian Hancock. Rezoluciji e EUROM-eske. Hamburg: Rom Cinti Union, 1990.- Soest, George von. Zigeuner zwischen Verfolgung und Integration: Geschichte, Lebensbedingungen und Eingliederungsversuche. Weinheim: Beltz, 1979.- Zürcher-Berther, Maria-Luisa. Nomades parmi les sédentaires: Problèmes posés par un autre mode de vie. Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn, 1989.2. Civil Rights Movements- Acton, Thomas. "IV Congresso Mondiale dei Rom." Lacio Drom 26, no. 5 (1990).- Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker. III. Welt-Roma-Kongress 1981. Pogrom, nos. 80-81 (1981).- Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. Mutation tsigane. Brussels: Complexe, 1976.- Lopez, Sergio Rodriguez, ed. I Congreso Gitano de la Unión Europea.- Barcelona: Instituto Romanó, 1995. Puxon, Grattan. "The First World Romani Congress." Race Today (June 1971). Rishi W. R., ed. "IV World Romani Congress." Roma, nos. 33-34 (July 1990/January 1991). [Special issue.]3. Law- American Journal of Comparative Law 46, no. 2 (Spring 1997). [Special issue on Gypsy law.]- Bergen-Schuijt, Ada van. "Buitenlandse zigeuners en de Nederlandse wetgev-ing . . . in 1977 en 1978." In Zigeuners in Nederland, ed. Peter Hovens and Rob Dahler, 229-56. Nijmegen: Instituut voor Culturele en Sociale Antropologie, 1988.- Danbakli, Marielle, ed. On Gypsies: Texts Issued by International Institutions. Toulouse, France: CRDP, 1994. [Also in Bulgarian and French.]- Doering, Hans-Joachim. Die Zigeuner in Nationalsozialistischen Staat. Hamburg: Kriminalistik, 1964.- Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Try to Use It, It Is Your Right! A Practical Guide on the Rights of Romanies. Warsaw: Helsinki Foundation, 1997.- Johnson, Chris, and Marc Willers, eds. Gypsy and Traveller Law. London: Legal Action Group, 2004.- Mroz, Lech. "Gypsies and the Law." Ethnologia Polona 3 (1977): 175-83.- Wolfrum, Rüdiger. "The Legal Status of Sinti and Roma in Europe: A Case Study Concerning the Shortcomings of the Protection of Minorities." Annuaire Européen /European Yearbook 33 (1986): 75-91.V. ECONOMY- Chignard, Louis. "Le système économique du voyage." Hommes et Migrations (June/July 1995).VI. SOCIETY1. Anthropology/Ethnology- Belton, Brian. Gypsy and Traveller Ethnicity: The Social Generation of an Ethnic Phenomena. London: Routledge, 2005.. Questioning Gypsy Identity: Ethnic Narratives in Britain and America. Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira, 2005.- Clébert, Jean-Paul. The Gypsies, trans. Charles Duff. London: Vista, 1963.- Csaba, Pronai. Ciganykutatas es Kulturalis Antropologia. Budapest: Kaposvar, 1995.- Dollé, Marie-Paul. Les Tsiganes Manouches. Sand: Dollé, 1980.- Giere, Jacqueline, ed. Die gesellschaftiche Konstruktion des Zigeuners. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1996.- Graham-Yooll, Andrew. "In Search of Saint George." London (August/ September 1990): 754-88.- Gresham, David, et al. "Origins and Divergence of the Roma." American Journal of Humam Genetics, no. 96 (2001): 1314-31.- Okely, Judith. "Some Political Consequences of Theories of Gypsy Ethnicity." In After Writing Culture, ed. Alison James et al. ASA Monographs 34. London: Routledge, 1997.- Rao, Aparna, ed. The Other Nomads. Cologne: Böhlau, 1987.- The State of Ambiguity: Studies of Gypsy Refugees. Anthropological Research Series. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, n.d.- Stewart, Michael. The Time of the Gypsies. Oxford: Westview, 1997.- Williams, Patrick.Mariage tsigane. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1984.. Nous, on n'en parle pas: Les vivants et les morts chez les Manouches. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1993. , ed. Tsiganes: Identité, évolution. Paris: Syros Alternatives, 1989. [Papers of the 1986 Etudes Tsiganes conference.]2. Children- Réger, Zita. "Bilingual Gypsy Children in Hungary: Explorations in 'Natural' Second-Language Acquisition at an Early Age." International Journal of the Sociology of Language 19 (1979). [Special issue on Romani so-ciolinguistics.]3. Education- Acton, Thomas, and Morgan Delphinis. Languages, Blacks and Gypsies. London: Whiting and Burch, 2000.- Acton, Thomas, and Donald Kenrick. "From Summer Voluntary Schemes to European Community Bureaucracy: The Development of Special Provisions for Traveller Education in the United Kingdom since 1967." European Journal of Intercultural Studies 1, no. 3 (March 1991): 47-62.- Binns, Dennis. "History and Growth of Traveller Education." British Journal of Educational Studies 38, no. 3 (August 1990): 251-58.- Conway, Laura. On the Status of Romani Education in the Czech Republic. Prague: HOST, 1996. [Also available in Czech.]- Csapo, Marg. "Concerns Related to the Education of Romany Students in Hungary, Austria and Finland." Comparative Education 18, no. 2 (1982): 205-19.- Derrington, C., and S. Klendall. Gypsy Traveller Students in Secondary Schools. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham, 2004. Donzello, G., and Mirella Karpati. Un ragazzo zingaro nella mia classe. Rome: ANICIA, 1998.- Dowber, Hilary. Travellers and School: Travellers in Lewisham Talk of Their Experiences of School. London: Lewisham Bridge, 1991.- Gustafsson, Inga. Studies of a Minority Group's Efforts to Preserve Its Cultural Autonomy. Stockholm: IMFO-GROUP, Institute of Education, University of Stockholm, 1973.- Hermann Dyba. "The Gandhi School: Seeds of Cross-cultural Conflict." JGLS (5th series) 8, no. 2 (August 1998): 133-44. Krause, Mareile. 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Berlin: Elefantenpress, 1997.6. Women- Equipo de Estudios de Presencia Gitana. Mujeres gitanas ante el futuro. Madrid: Presencia Gitana, 1990.- Chaderat, Sarge. Variations gitanes. Paris: Flammarion, 1992.- Cipollini, Roberta, Franca Faccioli, and Tamar Pitch. "Gypsy Girls in an Italian Juvenile Court." In Growing Up Good: Policing the Behaviour of Girls in Europe,ed. Maureen Cain. London: Sage, 1989.- Fernández, Maria Dolores, and Carmen Bajo. Jornadas sobre la situación de la mujer gitana. Granada, Spain: Asociación de Mujeres Gitanas de Granada "Romi," 1990.- Mossa. La Gitane et son destin: Témoignages d'une jeune Gitane sur la condition féminine et l'évolution du monde gitan. Textes présentés par Bernard Leblon. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1992.- Okely, Judith. "Gypsy Women: Models in Conflict." In Perceiving Women, ed. Shirley Ardener. London: Malaby, 1975.- Wang, Kirsten, ed. Mujeres gitanas ante el futuro. Madrid: Editorial Presencia Gitana, 1990.VII. CULTURAL1. Dance- Balázs, Gusztáv. A nagyecsedi oláh cigányok tánchagyománya (The Dance Tradition of Vlach Gypsies in Nagyecsed). Studies in Roma (Gypsy) Ethnography, vol. 3. Budapest: Magyar Néprajzi Társaság, 1995.- Dunin, Elsie. "Dance Change in the Context of the Gypsy St. George's Day, Skopje, Yugoslavia, 1967-1977." In Papers from the 4th and 5th Annual Meetings of the Gypsy Lore Society, ed. Joanne Grumet, 110-20. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, 1982.2. Folk Arts- Dummett, Michael. "The Gypsies and the Tarot." In Traveller Education 17 (1982). [Reprinted from M. Dummett, The Game of Tarot from Ferrara to Salt Lake City (London: Duckworth, 1980).]3. Linguisticsa. General- Bakker, Peter, ed. What Is the Romami Language? Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2000.- Bakker, Peter, and Marcel Cortiade, eds. In the Margin of Romani: Gypsy Languages in Contact. Amsterdam: Institute for General Linguistics, 1991.- Bakker, Peter, and Yaron Matras. Bibliography of Modern Romani Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamin, 2003.- Bakker, Peter, and Hein Van der Voort. "Para-Romani Languages: An Overview and Some Speculations on Their Genesis." In Bakker and Cortiade, In the Margin of Romani, 16-14.- Boretzky, Norbert. "Sind Zigeunersprachen Kreols?" In Akten des 1. Essener Kolloqiums über Kreolsprachen und Sprachkontakte (1985), ed. Boretzky, Enninger, and Stolz, 43-70. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1985.- Boretzky, Norbert, and Birgit Igla. "Romani Mixed Dialects." In Mixed Languages, ed. Peter Bakker and Maarten Mous. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University. 1998.- Halwachs, Dieter, and Florian Menz, eds. Die sprache der Roma. Klagenfurt, Austria: Drava, 1999.- Hancock, Ian. "The Development of Romani Linguistics." In Languages and Cultures: Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé, ed. M. Jazayery and W. Winter. Amsterdam: Mouton, 1988.. Handbook of VlaxRomani. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1995.- Hübschmannová, Milena. "Bilingualism among the Slovak Rom." International Journal of the Sociology of Language 19 (1979).- Kenrick, D. S. "Report on the Warsaw Linguistics Conference." Roma 33/34 (2000): 180.- Kirk, John, and Donall O Baoill. Travellers and Their Language. Belfast: Queens University Press, 2002.- Matras, Yaron. Romani: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002., ed. Romani in Contact. Amsterdam: Benjamin, 1995.. Untersuchungen zur Grammatik undDiskurs des Romanes. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.- Matras, Yaron, et al., eds. The Typology and Dialectology of Romani. Amsterdam: Benjamin, 1997.- McLane, M. "The Calo of Guadix." Anthropological Linguistics 19 (1997).- Schrammel, Barbara, et al. General and Applied Romani Linguistics: Proceedings from the 6th International Conference (Graz 2002). Munich: Lincom, 2005.b. Grammars and DescriptionActon, Thomas, and Donald Kenrick, eds. Romani rokkeripen to-divvus (The Contemporary English Romani Dialect). London: Romanestan, 1984. [In English.]- Bakker, Peter. "Basque Romani: A Prelimary Grammatical Sketch of a Mixed Language." In The Margin of Romani: Gypsy Languages in Contact, ed. Peter Bakker and Marcel Cortiade, 56-90. Amsterdam: Institute for General Linguistics, 1991.- Boretzky, Norbert. BurgudZi. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1993.. Die Vlach-Dialekte des Romani. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 2003.. Romani: Grammatik des Kalderas-Dialekts mit Texten und Glossar. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.- Boretzky, Norbert, and Birgit Igla. Kommentierter Dialektatlas des Romani. Wiesbaden: Harrowitz, 2004.- Borrow, George. Romano lavo lil (Romani Wordbook). London: Murray, 1874. [Many reprints since.]- Cech, Petra, and Mozes Heinschink. Sepecides (Romani). Munich: Lincom Europa, 1996.- Daroczi, Jószef Choli, and Feyer Levente. Zhanes Romanes? (Do You Know- Romani?). Budapest: Cigany Nielkónvy, 1988. Endt, Enno. Een taal van horen zeggen: Bargoens. Amsterdam: Scheltema Holkema, 1969.- Friedman, Victor. "Problems in the Codification of a Standard Romani Literary Language." In Papers from the 4th and 5th Annual Meetings of the Gypsy Lore Society, ed. Joanne Grumet. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, 1985.- Gjerdman, Olof, and Erik Ljungberg. The Language of the Swedish Coppersmith Gipsy Johan Dimitri Taikon. Uppsala, Sweden: Lundequist, 1963.- Haarmann, Harald. Spracherhaltung und Sprachwechsel als Probleme der in-terlingualen Soziolinguistik: Studien zur Gruppenmehrsprachigkeit der Zigeuner in der Sowjetunion. Hamburg: Busje, 1980.- Halwachs, Dieter. Amaro vakeripe Roman hi: Unsere Sprache istRoman. Klagenfurt, Austria: Drava, 1998.- Halwachs, Dieter, et al. Roman: The Dialect of the Burgenland Romanies. Munich: Lincom Europa, 1997.- Hancock, Ian. Grammar and Dictionary of the Hungarian-Slovak Romani Language. Manchaca, Texas: Romany Union, 1990.. Handbook of Vlax-Romani. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1985.- Holzinger, Daniel. Romanes (Sinti). Munich: Lincom Europa, 1997.- Igla, Birgit. 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Bucharest: Ministerul Invatamantului, 1992. Smart, Bath Charles, and Henry Thomas Crofton. The Dialect of the English Gypsies. London: Asher, 1875. Soravia, Giulio. Dialetti degli Zingari italiani. Pisa: Pacini, 1977. Tcherenkow [Cherenkov], Lev, and Mozes Heinschink. Kalderas. Munich: Lincom Europa, 1996.- Toro, Rita Paola. "Il gergo dei Camminanti." Lacio Drom 27, nos. 3-4 (1991). Ventzel, T. V. The Gypsy Language, trans. S. S. Gitman. Moscow: Nauka, 1983.[Also available in German as Die Zigeunersprache (Leipzig: Enzyklopâdie, 1980).]- Windolph, Wolfram. Nerother Jenisch. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998. c. Dictionaries- Barthelemy, André. Dictionnaire du Tsigane Kalderash. Paris: Barthelemy, n.d.- Boretzky, Norbert, and Birgit Igla. Wörterbuch Romani-Deutsch-Englisch für den südosteuropaischen Raum. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.- Calvet, Georges. Dictionnaire Tsigane-Français, dialecte Kalderash. Paris: L'Asiathèque, 1993.- Demeter, R. S., and P. S. Demeter. 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Geboren bin ich vor Jahrtausenden. Klagenfurt, Austria: N.p., 1993.- Gröndahl, Satu. "Stay Silent No Longer: Romanies, Travellers and Literature."- In Nordic Voices, ed. Jenny Fossum Grön. Oslo: ABM-Utvikling, 2005. Kenrick, Donald, and Gillian Taylor. "The Portrayal of the Gypsy in English Schoolbooks." Internazionale Schulbuchforschung 6, no. 1: 38-47. Kommers, Jean. Kinderroof of Zigeunerroof (Stealing Children or Stealing Gypsies). Amsterdam: Van Arkel, 1993. Leblon, Bernard. Les Gitans dans la littérature espagnole. Toulouse: France-Ibérie Recherche, 1982.- Lundgren, Gunilla. Svarta Rosor, Kale Ruze: Romsk litteratur, kultur och historia (Black Roses). Stockholm: Tranan, 2003.- Niemandt, Hans-Dieter. Die Zigeunerin in den Romanischen Literaturen. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1992.- Panebianco, Candido. Lorca e i Gitani. Rome: Bulzoni, 1984.- Reyniers A. "Quelques elements pour une histoire des médias Tsiganes." Études Tsiganes (n.s.) 7, no. 1 (1995): 141-46.5. Literaturea. Anthologies- BaliC, Sait, et al. Jaga/Vatre (Fires). Leskovac: Napredak, 1984. [Poetry in Romani and Serbian.]- Bari, Karoly, ed. Le veseski dej (The Forest Mother). Budapest: Országos Közmövelödési Központ, 1990. [Folktales and poetry in Romani and Hungarian.], ed. Tűzpiros Kígyócska /Feurige kleine rote Schlange. Debrecen: Gondolat, 1985. [Romani and German editions.]- Coughlan, Tim. Now Shoon the Romano Gillie. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2001.- Daróczi, Jószef Choli. "Mashkar Le Shiba Dukhades." Roma Módszertani Kiadványok 1 (1994).. Romane Poetongi Antologia. Budapest: Ariadne Foundation, 1995. [Poetry in Romani, English, and Hungarian.]- Djuric, Rajko. Marchen und Lieder europaischer Sinti und Roma. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1997.- Hancock, Ian, et al. The Roads of the Roma: A PEN Anthology of Gypsy Writers. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1998.- Rostás-Farkas, György, ed. Maladyipe / Találkozás (Meeting). Budapest: Műfordítások, 1993. [Poetry in Romani and Hungarian.]b. Autobiography and Biography- Boswell, Silvester Gordon. The Book of Boswell: Autobiography of a Gypsy, ed. John Seymour. London: Gollancz, 1970. Caldaras, Hans. I betraktarens őgon (In the Eye of the Beholder). Stockholm: Prisma, 2002.- Cannon, Jon, and the Travellers of Thistlebrook. Travellers: An Introduction. London: Emergency Exit Arts/Interchange Books, 1989. Delaunay, C. Django Reinhardt. London: Cassell, 1961.- Dybing, Svein, and Terje Gammelsrud. Raya. Oslo: Tiden, 1983. Franz, Philomena. Zwischen Liebe und Hass: Ein Zigeunerleben. Freiburg: Herder, 1985.- Joyce, Nan. Traveller: An Autobiography, ed. Anna Farmar. Dublin: Gill Macmillan, 1985.- Lacková, Elena. Narodila jsem pod st'asnou hvezdou (I Was Born under a Lucky Star). Prague: Triada, 1997. English edition, A False Dawn: My Life as a Gypsy Woman in Slovakia. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2000.- Lazell, David. Gypsy from the Forest. Pen y Bont, Wales: Bryn Tyrion, 1997. [Biography of Gypsy Smith.] Loveridge, Guy. Biography of Bramwell "Romany" Evens. Huddersfield, UK: Loveridge, 1995.- Lowe, Richard, and William Shaw, eds. Travellers: Voices of the New Age Nomads. London: Fourth Estate, 1993.- Lundgren, Gunilla, and Aljosha Taikon. Aljosha: Zigernarhövdingens pojke (Aljosha: The Gypsy Chief's Son). Stockholm: Bonnier Carlsen, 1998. English/Romani translation, Alyosha: From Coppersmith to Nurse. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2004.- Lundgren, Gunilla, and Sofia Taikon. Sofia Z-4515. Stockholm: Tranan/Podium, 2005. [Romani and Swedish.]- Maximoff, Matéo. Ce monde qui n'est pas le mien. Paris: Concordia, 1992.. Dites-le avec des pleurs. Paris: Concordia, 1990.. Routes sans Roulottes. Paris: Maximoff, 1993.- Nikolic, Miso. Unddann Zogen wir weiter. Klagenfurt, Austria: Drava, 1997. Nussbaumer-Moser, Jeanette. Die Kellerkinder von Nivagl. Basel, Switzerland: Friedrich-Reinhardt, 1995.- Reeve, Dominic. No Place Like Home. London: Phoenix House, 1960.. Smoke in the Lanes. London: Constable, 1958.- Rosenberg, Otto. Das Brennglas. Berlin: Eichhorn,1998. English translation, A Gypsy in Auschwitz. London: London House, 1999.- Sampson, Anthony. The Scholar Gypsy. London: Murray, 1997.- Sandford, Jeremy. Gypsies. London: Secker and Warburg, 1973.- Sebková, Hana, Edita Zlanayová, and Milena Hübschmannová. Fragments tsiganes: Comme en haut, ainsi en bas. Paris: Lierre Coudrier, 1991.- Skogholt, P., and K. Lilleholt. En for hverandre: Sigoynere Milos Karol og Frans Josef forteller (One for All: Gypsies Milos Karol and Frans Josef Relate). Oslo: Gyldendal, 1978.- Slee, Yvonne. Torn Away Forever. Queensland, Australia: Amber Press, 2005.- Stancu, Z. The Gypsy Tribe, trans. R. MacGregor-Hastie [from the original Romanian title Satra]. London: Abelard, 1973.- Stockin, Jimmy, et al. On the Cobbles: The Life of a Bare-Knuckled Gypsy Warrior. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 2001. Stojka, C. Reisende auf dieser Welt. Vienna: Picus, 1992.. Wir leben im Verborgenen. Vienna: Picus, 1988.- Tremlett, G. The David Essex Story. London, 1974.- Tschawo, Latscho. Die Befreiung des Latscho Tschawo: Ein Sinto-Leben in Deutschland. Bornheim-Merten: Lamuv, 1984. Wang, Kirsten. The Story of Tío Carlos. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1996. Whyte, Betsy. The Yellow on the Broom: The Early Days of a Traveller Woman. Edinburgh: Chambers, 1979. Williamson, Duncan. The Horsieman: Memories of a Traveller, 1928-1958. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1994. Winter, Walter. Winter Time. Hatfield: University of Hertforshire Press, 1999. [Translation of WinterZeit (Hamburg: Ergebnisse, 1999).] Winterstein, Adolf Boko. Zigeunerleben: Der Lebensbericht des Sinti-Musikers und Geigenbauers, ed. Erich Renner. Frankfurt am Main: Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1988.- Wood, Manfri Frederick. In the Life of a Romany Gypsy. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.- Yates, Dora. My Gypsy Days: Recollections of a Romany Rawnie. London: Phoenix House, 1953. Yoors, Jan. Crossing: A Journal of Survival and Resistance in World War II. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971.. The Heroic Present. Life among the Gypsies. New York: Monacelli Press, 2004.c. Folktales and Folk Poetry- Berki, János. Tales of János Berki Told in Gypsy and Hungarian, ed. Veronika- Görög-Karády. Budapest: MTA Néprajzi Kutató Csoport, 1985. Copoiu, Petre. Povesti Tiganesti/Rromane Paramica (Romany Tales), ed. Gheorghe Sarau. Bucharest: Kriterion, 1996. Court, Artelia. Puck of the Droms: The Lives and Literature of the Irish Tinkers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986. Demeter, R. Obrazoy folklora cygan-kelderarej (Collection of Kalderash Gypsy Folklore). Moscow: Nauka, 1981. Druts, Yefim, and Aleksei Gessler. Russian Gypsy Tales. Edinburgh: Canongate, n.d.- Fennesz-Juhasz, C., et al. Die schlaue Romni. Klagenfurt, Austria: Drava, 2003.- Gjerde, Lars, and Knut Kristiansen. The Orange of Love, and Other Stories: The Rom-Gypsy Language in Norway. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1994.- Grabócz, Gábor, and Katalin Kovalcsik. A Mesemondo Rostás Mihály/Mihály Rostás: A Gypsy Story Teller. Budapest: MTA Néprajzi Kutató Csoport, 1988.- Groome, Thomas E. Gypsy Folk-tales. London: Hurst Blackett, 1899.- Hübschmannová, Milena, ed. Romske pohádky (Romany Tales). Prague: Odeon, 1973.- Jagendorf, M. A., and C. H. Tillhagen. The Gypsies' Fiddle, and Other Gypsy Tales. New York: Vanguard, 1956.- MacColl, Ewan, and Peggy Seeger. Till Doomsday in the Afternoon: The Folklore of a Family of Scots Travellers, the Stewarts of Blairgowrie. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, 1986.. Travellers' Songs from England and Scotland. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977.- Mode, Heinz, and Milena Hübschmannová, eds. Zigeunermàrchen aus Aller Welt. Leipzig: Insel, 1983. Nagy, Olga. A havasi sátaro: David Gyula mesel (The Ten [Fingers] of a Gypsy of the Alps: Tales Told by Gyula David). Budapest: MTA Néprajzi Kutató Csoport, 1988. Osella, Carla. Racconti zingari. Turin: N.p., 1978.- Sampson, John, ed. Gypsy Folk Tales. London: Robinson, 1984. [Reprint from 1933 edition.]- Serra, Maria Joâo Pavao. Filhos da Estrada e do vento: Contos e fotografias de Ciganos Portugueses. Lisbon: Assirio Alvim, 1986.- Solet, Bertrand. Mille ans de contes tsiganes. Toulouse: Editions Milan, 1998.- Szegö, László. Cigány bölcsödal (Gypsy Lullaby). Budapest: Móra, 1980. [Songs in Romani with Hungarian translations.]. Csikóink kényesek. Budapest: Europa Könyvkiadó, 1977. [Songs in Romani with Hungarian translations.]- Taikon, Katerina, ed. Zigenerdikter (Gypsy Poems). Stockholm: FIB's Lyrikklubb, 1964.- Tillhagen, Carl Herman. Taikon erzàhlt Zigeunermàrchen. Zurich: Artemis, 1948. [Translation of Taikon Beràttar (Stockholm: Norstedt, 1946).]- Tong, Diane. Gypsy Folk Tales. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.- Valet, Joseph. Contes manouches. 2 vols. Paris: Études Tsiganes, 1988, 1991.- Williamson, Duncan. May the Devil Walk behind Ye. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1989.- Williamson, Duncan, and Linda Williamson. A Thorn in the King's Foot: Folktales of the Scottish Travelling People. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin, 1987.d. Literature in Romani- Balic, Sait, ed. Po Tito (About Tito). Nis, Yugoslavia: Prosveta, 1980. [Essays.]- Cioaba, Luminita. The Rain Merchant. Sibiu, Romania: Neo Drom, 1997. [Poems in Romani with translation.]- Dimic, Trifun, trans. Nevo Sovlahardo Cidipe (New Testament). Novi Sad, Yugoslavia: Dobri Vest, 1990.- Djuric, Rajko. A i U/A thaj U. Belgrade: Narodna Knjiga, 1982. [Poems in Romani and Serbian.]. Bi kheresko, bi limoresko / Bez doma, bez groba (Without a House, without a Grave). Belgrade: Nolit, 1979. [Poems in Romani and Serbian. Also in French as Sans maison, sans tombe (Paris: L'Harmattan, 1990).]. Les disciples d'Héphaistos. Troyes: Librairie Bleue, 1994. [Selected poems in French.]. Zigeunerische Elegien. Hamburg: Helmut Buske, 1989. [Poems in German and Romani.]- Gjunler, Abdula. Bizoagor / Eindeloos (Without End). Oss, the Netherlands: Gjunler, 1995. [Bilingual, Dutch and Romani.] Jusuf, Saip, trans. Amen sam e Titoske, O Tito si amaro (We Are Tito's, Tito Is Ours). Ljubljana: Univerzum, 1978. [Translation from Slovenian original Mismo Titoske, Tito je nas (Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga, 1995).] Kalinino, Valdemaro. Romane Sune /Romani Dreams. Vitebsk, Belarus: Ablasnaya Drukarna, 2005. Manus, Leksa [Aleksis Belugins], trans. "Ramayana." Roma, nos. 31-32 (July 1989/January 1990). Maximoff, Matéo, trans. E Nevi Vastia (New Testament). Paris: Societé Biblique Française, 1995. Metkov, Sulyo, trans. Neevo Zakon (New Testament). Sofia: Adventist, 1995.- Olah, Vlado. Khamori luludi / Slunecnice (Sunflower). Prague: MMM, 1996. [Bilingual, Romani and Czech.]- Papusza [pseud., Bronislawa Weiss]. Piesni Papuszy (Songs of Papusza). Wroclaw, Poland: Ossolinski, 1956. [In Romani and Polish.]- Wlislocky, H., ed. Volksdichtungen der siebenbürgischen und südungarischen Zigeuner. Vienna: Graeser, 1890. [In Romani and German.]e. Literature in Other Languages by Gypsy Authors- Baltzar, Veijo. Brannande vag (Burning Road). Borgâ, Finland: Norstedt, 1969. [Translated from the Finnish original Polttava tie.]- Binns, Dennis, ed. Gavvered All Around. Manchester, UK: Manchester Travellers' Education Service, 1987. [Anthology of poetry.]- Doughty, Louise. Fires in the Dark. London: Simon & Schuster, 2003. [Novel.]- Jayat, Sandra. Nomad Moons, trans. Ruth Partington. St. Albans, UK: Bren-tham Press, 1995. [A selection from Lunes nomades and other collections.]- Kieffer, Jane. Cette sauvage lumière. Paris: Gallimard, 1961.- Lakatos, Menyhért. Bitterer Rauch. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1979. [German translation of Füstös Képek (Budapest: Könyvkiadó).]- Maximoff, Matéo. Condamné à survivre. Paris: Concordia, 1984.. La poupée de mamaliga. Paris: Concordia, 1986.. Prix de la liberté. Paris: Concordia, 1981.. Savina. Bordeaux: Wallada, 1986.. Septième fille. New ed. Paris: Concordia. 1982.. The Ursitory, trans. Brian Vesey-FitzGerald [from the French original Les Ursitory]. London: Chapman Hall, 1949.. Vinguerka. Paris: Concordia, 1987.- Smith, Charles [Charlie]. Not All Wagons and Lanes. Aveley, UK: Smith, 1996. [Poems.]. The Spirit of the Flame: Poems by Charlie Smith. Manchester, UK:- Travellers Education Service, 1990. Spinelli, Santino, ed. Baxtalo drom / Felice cammino (Happy Road). Lanciano, Italy: Them Romano/Tracce, 1995. [Anthology in Italian and Romani.]f. The Holocaust in Fiction- De Lint, Charles. Mulengro: A Romany Novel. New York: Ace Fantasy, 1985. Florence, Ronald. The Gypsy Man. New York: Villard, 1985. Hackl, Erich. Abschied von Sidonie. Zurich: Diogenes, 1989/1991. [Based on a true story.]- Kanfer, Stefan. The Eighth Sin. New York: Random House, 1978. Kosinski, Jerzy. The Painted Bird. New York: Bantam, 1965. Ramati, Alexander. And the Violins Stopped Playing. New York: Franklin Watts, 1986.- Sagan, Francoise. Painting in Blood, trans. Anthea Bell. Henley-on-Thames, UK: Aidan Ellis, 1988. Stancu, Zaharia. The Gypsy Tribe, trans. Roy MacGregor-Hastie. London: Abelard-Schuman, 1973.g. The Gypsy in World Literature- Cervantes, Miguel de. The Gipsy Maid: Six Exemplary Novels, trans. Harriet de- Onis. Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's Educational, 1961. Christie, Agatha. Endless Night. New York: Pocket Books, 1969. Eliot, George. "The Spanish Gypsy." In The Writings of George Eliot, vol. 18. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1908.- Freud, Jonathan. Uppbrott. Stockholm: Carlssons, 1993.- Garcia Lorca, Federico. "Gypsy Ballads," trans. Langston Hughes. Beloit Poetry Journal, chapbook no. 1 (Fall 1951). Beloit, Wis.: Beloit College, 1951.- Hugo, Victor. Notre-Dame de Paris. Various editions. [In English as The Hunchback of Notre Dame]- Kaygili, Osman. Cingeneler. Istanbul: Etiman Kitabevi, 1939.- Lawrence, D. H. The Virgin and the Gipsy. 1925. Reprint, New York: Bantam, 1970.- Márquez, Gabriel Garcia. One Hundred Years of Solitude. New York: Avon, 1971.- Mérimée, Prosper. Carmen, and Other Stories, trans. Nicholas Jotcham. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.- Podgorets, Vidoe. Beloto Tsiganche (The White Gypsy). Skopje: Nasa Kniga, 1988.- Pushkin, Alexandr. "Gypsies." In The Bronze Horseman: Selected Poems of Alexander Pushkin, trans. D. M. Thomas. New York: Viking, 1982. [Also in Selected Verse, trans. John Fennell (London: Penguin, 1994; reprint, Bristol: Classical Press, 1991) and Selected Works in Two Volumes, vol. 1: Poetry (Moscow: Progress Publishers, n.d.).]- Scott, Walter. Guy Mannering; or, The Astrologer. 1815. Reprint, London: Soho, 1987.h. Music and Theater- Acton, Thomas, Rosy Denaro, and Bernard Hurley, eds. The Romano Drom Song Book. Oxford: Romanestan, 1971. Barrios, Manuel. Gitanos, Moriscos y cante flamenco. Seville: Rodríguez Castillejo, 1989.- Beissinger, Margaret. The Art of the Lautar: The Epic Tradition of Romania. New York: Garland, 1991. Billard, Francois, and Alain Antonietto. Django Reinhardt: Un géant sur son nuage. Paris: Lieu Commun, 1993. Blau, Dick, et al. Bright Balkan Morning: Romani Lives and the Power of Music in Greek Macedonia. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University, 2002.- Bobri, Vladimir. "Gypsies and Gypsy Choruses of Old Russia." JGLS (3rd series) 40, nos. 3-4 (1961): 112-20.- Brune, John. "Songs of the Travelling People." In Folksongs of Britain and Ireland, ed. Peter Kennedy. London: Cassell, 1975.- Cartwright, Garth. Princes among Men: Journeys with Gypsy Musicians. London: Serpent's Tail, 2005.- Davanellos, Nick. "Les Tsiganes et la musique démotique grecque." In Tsiganes: Identité, Evolution, ed. Patrick Williams. Paris: Études Tsiganes, 1989.- Davidová, Eva, and Jan Zizka. Folk Music of the Sedentary Gypsies of Czechoslovakia. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1991.- Equipo, Alfredo. El flamenco y los Gitanos: Una aproximación cultural. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1978.- Haederli, Freddy. Django Reinhardt: Discography. Geneva: Haederli, 1996.- Hemetek, Ursula, et al. Romane Gila: Lieder und Tanze der Roma in Österre-ich. Vienna: Institut für Volksmusikforschung an der Hochschule fur Musik und darstellende Kunst, 1992.- Kertesz-Wilkinson, Irén. "The Fair Is Ahead of Me." Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1997. [A Hungarian Vlach Gypsy song.]- Kovalcsik, Katalin, ed. Ernö Király's Collection of Gypsy Folk Music from Voivodina. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1992.. Vlach Gypsy Folk Songs in Slovakia. Budapest: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, 1985.- Lajtha, Lázsló. Instrumental Music from Western Hungary: From the Repertoire of an Urban Gipsy Band, ed. Bálint Sárosi, trans. Katalin Halácsy. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988.- Leblon, Bernard. El cante flamenco, entre las musicas gitanas y las tradiciones andaluzas. Madrid: Cinterco, 1991.. Gypsies and Flamenco. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1995. [Also available in French, German, and Italian.].Musiques tsiganes et flamenco. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1990.- Lefranc, Pierre. Le cante jondo. Nice: Faculté des Lettres, 1998.- Lemon A. "Roma (Gypsies) in the USSR and the Moscow Teatr Romen." Nationalities Papers 14, no. 3 (1991). Also in Diane Tong, Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader. New York: Garland, 1998.- Liszt, Franz. The Gypsy in Music. 1926. [English translation of A czigányokrol és a czigány zenérolMagyarországon (Pest: Heckenast, 1861).]- Mitchell, T. Flamenco Deep Song. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995.- Rasmussen, Ljerka Vidic. "Gypsy Music in Yugoslavia: Inside the Popular Culture Tradition." JGLS (5th series) 1, no. 2 (August 1991).- Sárosi, Bálint. Cigányzene. Budapest: Gondolat, 1971. [German translation, Zurich: Musikbuch, 1977. English translation, Gypsy Music (Budapest: Corvina, 1978).]. "Gypsy Music." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. S. Sadie. London: Macmillan, 1980. Seton, Marie. "The Evolution of the Gypsy Theatre in the USSR." JGLS (3rd series) 14: 66-72.- Stanley, Denise, and Rosy Burke. The Romano Drom Song Book. Warley, UK: Romanestan, 1986.- Uffreduzzi, Marcella, ed. Canti zigani. 2nd ed. Genoa: Sabatelli Editore, 1973.- Van de Port, Mattijs. Gypsies, Wars and Other Instances of the Wild. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1998. Williams, Patrick. Django. Paris: Parentheses, 1998.i. Painting- Balázs, János. A Hungarian Gipsy Artist. Budapest: Corvina, 1977.- Dzurko, Ruda. Ich bin wieder Mensch geworden, ed. Milena Hübschmannová. Leipzig: Stiepenheuer, 1990.- Stojka, Karl. Ein Kind in Birkenau. Vienna: Stojka, 1990. English edition, The Story of Karl Stojka: A Childhood in Birkenau, ed. Sybil Milton. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, 1992.j. Photography and Film- Carret, Marie-Jose, and Claude Carret. Les anges du destin. Trézélan, Paris: Filigranes, 1996.- Iordanova, Dina, ed. "Cinematic Images of Romanies." Framework 44, no. 2 (Fall 2003).- Koudelka, Josef. Gypsies. London: Hale, 1975.- Kuznetsova, Ljalja. Gypsies: Free Spirits of the Open Steppe. London: Thames & Hudson, 1998.- Szuhay, Péter, and Antónia Barati. Pictures of the History of the Gipsies in Hungary in the 20th Century. Budapest: Néprajzi Museum, 1993.VIII. HEALTH- Smith, Tracy. "Romani (Gypsy) Women and Mainstream Health Services." European Journal of Women's Studies 4, no. 2 (May 1997): 183-96.- Takman, John. The Gypsies in Sweden: A Socio-Medical Study. Stockholm: LiberFörlag, 1976.IX. LISTING BY COUNTRY1. Albania- Hasluck, Margaret. "The Gypsies of Albania." JGLS (3rd series) 17, nos. 2-4 (1938).No Record of the Case: Roma in Albania. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997.2. Angola- Lopes Da Costa, Elisa Maria. El Pueblo Gitano y el espacio de de la colonal-izacion portuguesa. In Deportaciones de Gitanos, ed. A. Alfaro et al. Madrid: Presencia Gitana, 1999.3. Austria- Cahn, Claude. Divide and Deport: Roma and Sinti in Austria. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1996.- Fennesz-Juhasz, Christiane, et al. "Sprache und Musik der Osterreichischen Roma und Sinti." Grazer Linguistische Studien 46 (1996): 61-110.- Mayerhofer, Claudia. Dorfzigeuner. 2nd ed. Vienna: Picus, 1988.. "Gli ungrika Roma del Burgenland." Lacio Drom 21, no. 6 (1985).4. Belgium- Cuijle, J. H. Zigeuners in Vlaanderen. Antwerp: Ecclesiola, n.d. Mijs, J. "Een bank vooruit: Onderwijs in Belgie." Drom 10, no. 4 (December 1995).- Tambour L. "Roma in Belgium: Past and Present." Roma 3, no. 1 (January 1977).5. Bosnia- The Non-Constituents: Rights Deprivation of Roma in Post-Genocide Bosnia and Herzegovina. Budapest: ERRC, 2004.6. Bulgaria- Children of Bulgaria: Police Violence and Arbitrary Confinement. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1996. "Increasing Violence against Roma in Bulgaria." New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994. [Pamphlet.] Marushiakova, Elena, and Veselin Popov. Tsiganite v Balgaria. Sofia: Klub 90, 1993. English translation, Gypsies (Roma) in Bulgaria. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1997.- "Police Violence against Gypsies." New York: Human Rights Watch, 1993. [Pamphlet.]- Silverman, Carol. "Bulgarian Gypsies: Adaptation in a Socialist Context." Nomadic Peoples 21-22 (1986): 51-62.- Tomova, Ilona. The Gypsies in the Transition Period. Sofia: International Center for Minority Studies, 1995.7. Croatia- Hrvatic, N., ed. "Education and Upbringing of Romany Children in Croatia." Romano Akharipe [Special edition, 1994].8. Cyprus- Kenrick, Donald, and Gillian Taylor. "Gypsies of Cyprus." Roma 24 (January 1986).- Mene, Asik. "Interview." Translation from Kibris in Drom 10, no. 4 (1995).9. Czech Republic- Conway, Laura. Report on the Status of Romani Education in the Czech Republic. Prague: HOST, 1996.- Roma in the Czech Republic: Foreigners in Their Own Land. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1996.10. Czechoslovakia- Davidová, Eva. "The Gypsies in Czechoslovakia." JGLS (3rd series) 69, nos. 3-4 (1970): 84-97, and 70, nos. 1-2 (1971): 39-54.. Romano drom: Cesty romu, 1945-1990. Olomouc, Czech Republic: Centre de Recherches Tsiganes, 2004.- Guy, Will. "Ways of Looking at Roma: The Case of Czechoslovakia." In Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Reader, ed. Diane Tong. New York: Garland, 1998.- Hübschmannová, M. "Birth of Romani Literature in Czechoslovakia." Cahiers de Littérature Orale 30 (1991): 91-98.- Kostelancik, David. "The Gypsies of Czechoslovakia: Political and Ideological Considerations in the Development of Policy." Studies in Comparative Communism 22, no. 4 (1989): 307-21.- Struggling for Ethnic Identity: Czechoslovakia's Endangered Gypsies. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1992.- Ulc, Otto. "Communist National Minority Policy: The Case of the Gypsies in Czechoslovakia." Soviet Studies 20, no. 4 (April 1969): 421-13.. "Integration of the Gypsies in Czechoslovakia." Ethnic Groups 9, no. 2 (1991): 107-17.11. Denmark- Albert, Jorn. Sigojnere er et folk (Gypsies Are a People). Copenhagen: Forum, 1983.- Anderson, K. Sigojnere. Copenhagen: Beta Bog Munksgaard, 1971. Bartels, E., and B. Brun. Gypsies in Denmark. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1943.- Enevig, Anders. Sigojnere i Danmark. Copenhagen: Fremad, 1969.. Tatere og rejsende (Nomads and Travelers). Copenhagen: Fremad, 1965.12. Egypt- Nabil, Hannah. Die Ghajar. Munich: Trickster, 1993.13. England- Birtill, Angie. Rights for Travellers. London: Irish Women's Centre, 1995.- Daley, Ian, and Jo Henderson. Static: Life on the Site. Castleford, UK: Yorkshire Art Circus, 1998.- Dodds, Norman N. Gypsies, Didikois and Other Travellers. London: Johnson, 1966.- Kenrick, Donald, and Sian Blakewell. On the Verge: The Gypsies of England. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1995. Kenrick, Donald and Colin Clark. Moving On: The Gypsies and Travellers of Britain. New expanded ed. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press, 1998.- Mayall, David. English Gypsies and State Policies. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire, 1996.. Gypsies-Travellers in Nineteenth-Century Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.. Gypsy Identities, 1500-2000. London: Routledge, 2004.- Morris, Rachel, and Luke Clements. At What Cost? The Economics of Gypsy and Traveller Encampments. Bristol: Policy Press, 2002.- Sibley, David. Outsiders in Urban Society. Oxford: Blackwell, 1981.- Smith, Len. Romany Nevi-Wesh: New Forest Gypsies. Lyndhurst, Hants, UK: 2004.14. Finland- Grönfors, Martti. Blood Feuding among Finnish Gypsies. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Department of Sociology, 1977.15. France- Always Somewhere Else: Anti-Gypsyism in France. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 2005. Filhol, Emanuel. L'histoire et l'oubli: L'internement des Tsiganes en France. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2004. Vaux de Foletier, François de. Les bohémiens en France au 19e siècle. Paris: Lattès, 1981.. Les Tsiganes dans l'Ancienne France. Paris: Connaissance du Monde, 1981.16. Germany- Geigges, A., and B. Wette. Zigeuner heute. Bornheim-Merten: Lamuv, 1979. Hohmann, Joachim, ed. Sinti und Roma in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1995.. Verfolgte ohne Heimat: Geschichte der Zigeuner in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1990.- Lucassen, Leo. Die Zigeuner: Die Geschichte eines polizeilichen Ordnungsbe-griff in Deutschland, 1700-1945. Vienna: Böhlau, 1996.- Margalit, Gilad. Antigypsyism in the Political Culture of the Federal Republic of Germany. Jerusalem: Hebrew University Vidal Sassoon Center for the Study of Antisemitism, 1996.. Germany and Its Gypsies: A Post-Auschwitz Ordeal. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2002.- Martins-Heuss, Kirsten. Zur mythischen Figur des Zigeuners in der Deutschen Zigeunerforschung. Frankfurt am Main: Hagg Herchen, 1983.- Opfermann, Ulrich. Dass sie den Zigeuner-Habit ablegen. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1996.- Rinser, Luise. Wer Wirft den Stein? Zigeuner sein in Deutschland: Eine Anklage. Stuttgart: Weitbrecht, 1985. Schenk, Michael. Rassismus gegen Sinti und Roma. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1994.- Tebbutt, Susan, ed. Gypsies in German-Speaking Society and Literature. New York: Berghahn Books, 1998.17. Greece- Bereris, Petros. "Information File: Greece." Interface 13 (February 1994).18. Hungary- Hajdu, Mihaly. "Gypsies, 1980." Hungarian Digest 6 (1980): 28-34.- Karsai, Lászó. A Cigánykérdés Magyarorzágon, 1919-1945: Út a Cigány holocausthoz. Budapest: Scientia Hungariae, 1992.- Kovats, Andras. Roma Migration. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2002.- Kovats, Martin. "The Roma and Minority Self-Governments in Hungary." Immigrants and Minorities 15, no. 1 (March 1996).- Pradka, Peter. Self-Government in Hungary: The Gypsy/Romani Experience. Princeton, N.J.: PER, 1998.- Rights Denied: The Roma of Hungary. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1966.- Struggling for Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Hungary. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1993.- Szabó, György. Die Roma in Ungarn. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1991.- Szuhay, Peter, et al., eds. Pictures of the Gypsies in Hungary in the 20th Century. Budapest: Hofer Tamas, 1993.- Vekerdi, Jozef. "The Gypsies and the Gypsy Problem in Hungary." Hungarian Studies Review 15, no. 2 (1988): 13-26.- Wagner, Francis. "The Gypsy Problem in Postwar Hungary." Hungarian Studies Review 14, no. l (1987): 33-43.19. India- Iwatani, Ayako. "Strategic Otherness: A Case of the Vaghri in South India." Journal of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies 14 (2002).- Olsson, Torvald, and Lukas Werth. Sjakalerna: Nomader i kastsamhüllets utkant (Nomads on the Edge of the Caste System). Stockholm: Fjarde Varlden, 1990.- Robertson, Miriam. Snake Charmers. Jaipur, India: Illustrated Book Publishers, 1998.20. Iran- Sistani, Afhshar, and Iraj Rozaneh. Gypsies: A Research into Lives of Gypsies in Iran and the World. Tehran: N.p., 1998.21. Ireland- Gmelch, George. The Irish Tinkers: The Urbanization of an Itinerant People. Menlo Park, Calif.: Cummings, 1977.- McCann, May, et al., eds. Irish Travellers: Culture and Ethnicity. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, 1994. [Papers from a conference in 1991.]- Paris, C., et al. A Review of Policies Affecting Travellers in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: Magee College, 1995.22. Israel- Williams, Allan, ed. The Dom of Jerusalem. Larnaca, Cyprus: Dom Research Center, 2001.23. Italy- Luciani, A. "Zingari a Roma nel 1700." Lacio Drom 31, no. 6. (November-December 1995).- Martelli, Vladimyr. "Gli Zingari a Roma dal 1525 al 1680." Lacio Drom 32, nos. 4-5 (August-October 1996). Piasere, Leonardo, ed. Italia Romaní. Rome: CISU di Colamartini Enzo, 1996.- Viaggio, Giorgio. Storia degli Zingari in Italia. Rome: Anicia, 1998.24. Luxembourg- Reynier, Alain. "Luxembourg: The Presence of an Invisible Population." Interface 29 (February 1998).25. Macedonia, Republic of- Barany, Zoltan. "The Romas in Macedonia." Ethnic and Racial Studies 18 (1995): 515-31.- Friedman, Victor. "Language Policy and Language Behaviour in Macedonia: Background and Current Events." In Language Contact, Language Conflict, ed. Eran Fraenkel and Christina Kremer, 73-99. New York: Peter Lang, 1993.- A Pleasant Fiction: The Human Rights Situation of Roma in Macedonia. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1998.26. Middle East- Berland, Joseph C., and Aparna Rao. Customary Strangers: New Perspectives on Peripatetic Peoples in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2004.27. Netherlands- Buis, Hans. "Zigeuners gezien? Haal dan de was binnen!" In Vreemd Gespuis, ed. Jan Dubleman et al. Amsterdam: Anne Frank Stichting, 1987. Cottaar, Annemarie. Kooplui, Kermisklanten en ander Woonwagenbewoners. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 1996. Cottaar, Annemarie, et al. "The Image of Holland: Caravan Dwellers and Other Minorities in Dutch Society." Immigrants and Minorities 2, no. 1 (March 1992).. Mensen van de Reis, Woonwagenbewoners en Zigeuners in Nederland, 1868-1995. Zwolle: Waanders, 1995. Hovens, P., and R. Dahler, eds. Zigeuners in Nederland. Nijmegen: Instituut voor Culturele en Sociale Antropologie, 1988. Lucassen, Leo. En Men noemde hen Zigeuners. Amsterdam: Stichting IISG/SDU, 1990.- Schaap, Dick, and Wim Bont. Het volk van Koka Petalo. Amsterdam: ABC, 1965.- Tanja, Jaap. "Een zeldzaam volk geneegen om te dwaalen." In Vreemd Gespuis, ed. Jan Dubleman et al. Amsterdam: Anne Frank Stichting, 1987.- Van Kappen, O. Geschiedenis der Zigeuner in Nederland. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1965.- Willems, Wim, and Leo Lucassen. "A Silent War: Foreign Gypsies and Dutch Government Policy, 1969-1989." Immigrants and Minorities 2, no. 1 (March 1992).28. Norway- Flekstad, K. Omstreifere og sigúynere (Travelers and Gypsies). Oslo: As-chehoug,1949.- Hanisch, Ted. Om sigúynersporsmalet (On the Gypsy Question). Oslo: Institutt for Samfunnsforskning, 1973. Midboe, O. Eilert Sundt og fantesaken (Eilert Sundt and the Nomad Question). Oslo: Universitets Forlaget, 1968. Schlüter, Ragnhild. DeReisende (The Travelers). Oslo: Gyldendal, 1993.29. Poland- Ficowski, Jerzy. Cyganie na polskich drogach. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Liter-ackie, 1985.. Gypsies in Poland: History and Customs. Warsaw: Interpress, 1991. [Also in German and Polish.]. Wieviel Trauer und Wege. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1992.- Postolle, Angele. "Who Are the Romanian Roma Living in Poland?" CPRSI Newsletter 3, no. 3 (1997).30. Portugal- Coelho, Francis Adolpho. Os Ciganos de Portugal: Com um estudo sobre o calao. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1892. [Reprinted 1995.]- Nunes, Olimpio. O Povo Cigano. Porto: Livrari Apostolado da Imprensa, 1981.- Serra, Maria Joâo Pavao. Filhos da Estrada e do vento: Contos e fotografias de Ciganos Portugueses. Lisbon: Assirio Alvim, 1986.31. Romania- Achim, V. Tigani in istoreia Romaniei. Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedica, 1998.- Beck, Sam. "Ethnicity, Class and Public Policy: Tiganii/Gypsies in Socialist Romania." In Papers from the Vth Congress of Southeastern European Studies, Belgrade, ed. K. K. Shangriladze and E. Townsend, 19-38. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1984.. "The Origins of Gypsy Slavery in Romania." Dialectical Anthropology, no. 14 (April 1989): 53-61.. "Racism and the Formation of a Romani Ethnic Leader (Gheorghe Nicolae)." In Perilous States, ed. G. Marcus, 165-91. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.- Block, Martin. Die matérielle Kultur der rumanischen Zigeuner. Revised by J. Hohmann. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1991. Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Persecution of the Gypsies in Romania. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1991. Lynch Law: Violence against Roma in Romania. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994.- Nicolae, Gheorghe. "Origin of Roma's Slavery in the Romanian Principalities." Roma 7, no. 1 (1983): 12-27.- Potra, George. Contributiuni la istoricul tiganilor din Romania. Bucharest: Fundatia Regele Carol I., 1939.- Remmel, Franz. Die Roma Rumaniens. Vienna: Picus, 1993.- Sudden Rage at Dawn: Violence against Roma in Romania. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1996.32. Russia- Demeter, Nadezhda, et al. Istoriya tsigan. Voronezh: Russian Academy of Science, 2000.- Gilsenbach, Reimar. "Roma in Russia: A Community Divided." Transition: Open Media Research Institute Reports 1, no. 4 (March 1995).- Gilsenbach, Reimar, with Ljalja Kuznetsova [photographs]. Russlands Zige-uner. Berlin: BasisDruck, 1994.- In Search of Happy Gypsies. Budapest: ERRC, 2005.- Lemon, Alaina. Between Two Fires: Gypsy Performance and Romani Memory from Pushkin to Postsocialism. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2000.33. Scotland- Braid, Donald. Scottish Traveller Tales: Lives Shaped through Stories. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2002.- Duncan, Tom. Neighbours' Views on Official Sites for Travelling People. Glasgow: Planning Exchange, 1996.- Gentleman, Hugh, and Susan Smith. Scotland's Travelling People: Problems and Solutions. Edinburgh: HMSO, 1971.- MacRitchie, D. Scottish Gypsies under the Stewarts. Edinburgh: Douglas, 1894.- Neat, Timothy. The Summer-Walkers: Travelling People and Pearl Fishers of the Highlands of Scotland. Edinburgh: Canongate, 1996.- Secretary of State's Advisory Committee. Scotland's Travelling People: Reports. Edinburgh: HMSO, 1974-1998.34. Serbia- Vojvodanska Muzej. Etnoloska Grada o Romima: Ciganima i Vojvodine (Gypsies: Roms in Vojvodina). Novi Sad: Vojvodanska Muzej, 1979.35. Slovakia- Horváthová, Emilia. Cigáni na Slovensku (Gypsies in Slovakia). Bratislava:- Vydavatelstvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied, 1964. Mann, Arne. Neznami Romovia (The Unknown Romany Story). Bratislava: Ister Science Press, 1992. Time of the Skinheads: Denial and Exclusion of Roma in Slovakia. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997. Vasecka, Michal, et al., eds. Cacipen pal o Roma (Truth about the Roma): A Global Report on Roma in Slovakia. Bratislava: Institute of Public Affairs, 2003.36. Slovenia- Strukelj, Paula. Romi na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Zalozba, 1980.37. Spain- Alfáro, Antonio. The Great Gypsy Round-Up. Madrid: Presencia Gitana, 1993. [Also available in French, Italian, Romanian, and Spanish.]- Calvo Buezas, Tomás. España racista? Voces payas sobre los Gitanos. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1990.- Chamon-Deutsch, Lou. The Spanish Gypsy: The History of a European Obsession. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004.- Garcia, José Manuel Fresno. "La situation sociale de la communauté gitane d'Espagne." Ethnies 8, no. 15 (1993).- Leblon, Bernard. Les Gitans d'Espagne: Prix de la différence. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1985. Spanish translation, Los gitanos de España: El precio y el valor de la diferencia. Barcelona: Gedisa, 1987.- Leon-Ignacio. Los Quinquis. Barcelona: Ediciones 29, 1974.- Lopez de Menses, A. La immigración gitana en España en el siglo XV. Madrid: Martinez Ferrandi Archivero, 1968.- Luna, José Carlos de. Gitanos de la Bética. Madrid: EPESA, 1951.- McLane, M. Los Gitanos españoles. Madrid: Castellote, 1977.. Proud Outcasts. Cabin John, Md.: Carderock, 1987.- Ramírez Heredia, Juan de Dios. En Defensa de los Míos: Qué sabe Vd. de los Gitanos? Barcelona: Ediciones 29, 1985.. Nosotros los Gitanos. Barcelona: Ediciones 29, 1972.. Vida gitana. Barcelona: Ediciones 29, 1985.- Sanchez Ortega, Maria Helena. Dieser wichtige Zweig der Landesordnung: Zur Geschichte der Zigeuner in Spanien. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1998.. La Inquisición y los Gitanos. Madrid: Taurus, 1988.- Wang, Kirsten, ed. Mujeras gitanas ante el futuro. Madrid: Presencia Gitana, 1990.- Yoors, Jan. The Gypsies of Spain. New York: Macmillan, 1974.38. Sweden- Heymowski, A. Swedish Travellers and Their Ancestry. Uppsala: Almquist Wiksell, 1969.- Marta, C. A Group of Lovara Gypsies Settle Down in Sweden. Stockholm: MFO-Gruppen. 1979. Taikon, Katerina. Förlat att vi stör (Excuse the Disturbance). Stockholm: N.p., 1970.- Tillhagen, Carl-Hermann. Zigenarna i Sverige. Stockholm: Natur Kultur, 1965.- Trankell, A. Kvarteret Flisan (The Flisan District). Stockholm: Nordstedt Soner, 1973.39. Switzerland- Thodé-Studer, Sylvia. Les Tsiganes suisses: La marche vers la reconnaissance. Lausanne: Réalités Sociales, 1987.40. Turkey- Rooker, Marcia. "Field Report from Turkey." Roma Rights (Spring 1997): 33-35.41. Ukraine- The Misery of Law: The Rights of Roma in the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine. Budapest: European Roma Rights Center, 1997.42. United Kingdom- Acton, Thomas, and David Gallant. Romanichal Gypsies. Hove, UK: Wayland, 1997.- Hawes, Derek, and Barbara Perez. The Gypsy and the State. 2nd ed. Bristol: Policy Press, 1996.- Ministry of Housing and Local Government. Gypsies and Other Travellers. London: HMSO, 1967. Okely, Judith. The Traveller-Gypsies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.- Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian. The Gypsies of Britain. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1973.43. United States- Gropper, C. Gypsies in the City. Princeton, N.J.: Darwin, 1975.- Nemeth, David. The Gypsy-American: An Ethnographic Study. Lewiston, Maine: Edwin Mellen, 2002. Sutherland, Anne. Gypsies: The Hidden Americans. Long Grove, Ill.: Waveland, 1986.44. Wales- Davies, J. Glyn. "Welsh Sources for Gypsy History." JGLS (3rd series) 9: 64-86.- Jarman, A. O. H., and Eldra Jarman. Y Sipsiwn Cymreig. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1979. Rev. English edition, The Welsh Gypsies. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1991.45. Yugoslavia- Vukanovic, Tatomir. Romi (Tsigani) u Jugoslaviji. Vranje, Yugoslavia: Nova Jugoslavia, 1983.X. PRESSThe list below includes current journals of Gypsy studies and others which, although no longer published, had long runs and can be found in major libraries.- Drom, O (Dutch). No longer published.- Études Tsiganes (French). 59 Rue d'Ourcq, 75019 Paris, France.- Interface (English and French). Centre de Recherches Tsiganes; no longer published.- Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (JGLS). There have been five series. The second is known as the New Series (n.s.). The third series was the longest, with 52 volumes. The fifth series is published in the United States (5607 Green-leaf Rd., Cheverly, MD 20785) with the new title Romani Studies.- Lacio Drom (Italian). Centro Studi Zingari; no longer published.- Roma (English). 3290/15-D, Chandigarh 160 015, India; publication suspended.- Romani Studies. Fifth series of the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (see above).- Romano DZaniben (Czech and Romani). Prague.- Romnews (English). Roma National Congress, Simon-von-Utrecht Str. 85, Hamburg, D-20359, Germany. Studii Romani (bilingual, Bulgarian and English). Sofia, Bulgaria.XI. WEBSITESAssociation of Gypsies/Romani International, http://www.christusrex.org/www2/gypsies.netEuropean Roma and Travellers Forum, http://www.ERTF.org European Roma Rights Center, http://www.errc.org Gypsy Lore Society, http://www.gypsyloresociety.org Patrin, http://www.geocities.com/Bibliographypatrin/patrin.htm Romnews Society, http://www.romnews.comXII. DISCOGRAPHIESA first step into the rich world of recorded Gypsy music can be made by consulting the review pages of the British magazines Folk Roots and Songlines, in addition to the book World Music: The Rough Guide (London: Rough Guides, 1994). Discographies have also appeared in the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society and Études Tsiganes (1994, no. 1).
Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . Donald Kenrick.