Romani Union

Romani Union

Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . .

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  • Romani Union — Als International Romani Union bzw. Romano Internacionalno Jekhethanibe auf dem 2. Welt Roma Kongreß im April 1978 in Genf gegründet ist die heutige International Roma Union (IRU) die wichtigste internationale Interessenvertretung der Roma. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • International Romani Union — The International Romani Union (Romany: Romano Internacionalno Jekhetani Union ) is an organization active for the rights of the Roma people. Its seat is in Prague. The IRU was officially established at the second World Romani Congress in… …   Wikipedia

  • International Romani Union — Als International Romani Union bzw. Romano Internacionalno Jekhethanibe auf dem 2. Welt Roma Kongreß im April 1978 in Genf gegründet ist die heutige International Roma Union (IRU) die wichtigste internationale Interessenvertretung der Roma. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Parliament of the International Romani Union —    The Chairman of the International Romani Union Parliament is Dragan Jevremovic. The Parliament was set up at the fifth meeting of the World Romany Congress …   Historical dictionary of the Gypsies

  • Romani — Romani, Romanes Gesprochen in zahlreichen Ländern Sprecher fast 6 Millionen weltweit davon 4,6 Millionen in Europa Linguistische Klassifikation Indogermanisch Indoiranisch Indoarisch Romani …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • International Romani Union —    (IRU)    Est. 1978. President: Stanislaw Stankiewicz. Since the second World Romany Congress in 1978, the union has operated between congresses as the official body representing Roma, taking over the role of the Comité International Tzigane.… …   Historical dictionary of the Gypsies

  • Romani people — For other uses, see Romani (disambiguation). Romani people Rromane dźene Romani flag created in 1933 a …   Wikipedia

  • Romani alphabets — The Romani language has for most of its history been an entirely oral language, with no written form in common use. Although the first example of written Romani dates from 1542,[1] it is not until the twentieth century that vernacular writing by… …   Wikipedia

  • Romani Association of Australia —    (RAA)    Est. 1990. First president: Jimmy Storey. The RAA is affiliated to the International Romani Union …   Historical dictionary of the Gypsies

  • Union Romani Internationale — France Drapeau rom Union Romani Internationale France est une organisation qui fait partie de l URI et œuvre à la reconnaissance des droits des tziganes. Elle travaille aussi à la reconnaissance de la culture tzigane. L URI France est, depuis le… …   Wikipédia en Français

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