Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
   Established in 1975 at a meeting of world leaders in Helsinki. One of its aims was to increase democracy in Europe, and a development of this has been the protection of minority rights. Both the participating states and the associated nongovernmental organizations have taken on board the Gypsy issue. At the CSCE follow-up meeting in Helsinki in 1992 and the CSCE Council meeting in Rome in 1993, it was proposed and confirmed that the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights-an institution of the CSCE - would organize a number of specialized meetings. The seventh of these seminars dealt with Gypsies in the CSCE region and took place in Warsaw in September 1994. A consolidated summary of the discussions was published by the CSCE. In 1994 the CSCE became the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Historical dictionary of the Gypsies . .

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  • Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe — an agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, in 1975, by 35 countries including the U.S. and the Soviet Union, that promotes human rights as well as cooperation in economic, social, and cultural progress. Abbr.: CSCE * * * …   Universalium

  • Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe — an agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, in 1975, by 35 countries including the U.S. and the Soviet Union, that promotes human rights as well as cooperation in economic, social, and cultural progress. Abbr.: CSCE …   Useful english dictionary

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